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Step-by-Step Guide to Visiting a Japanese Hair Salon

Living in Japan is unique and things can be different wherever you go in Tokyo. Visiting the hair salon in Japan is no exception. But we feel that getting a hair-style update in Japan is a unique opportunity to learn Japanese.
In this step-by-step hair salon guide, you will learn the Japanese phrases and vocabulary needed when going for a haircut in Japan.
Making a reservation at a Japanese Hair Salon
The first step is to make a reservation for your visit. This can be done online or via the phone.
When making an appointment on the phone, it is proper etiquette to tell the staff the timing of your visit and the service or services you would like to have.
As making a reservation can be complicated – especially for a beginning learner, let’s take a look at an example dialog that should help us.
Deciding when to visit:
You: こんにちは, 予約したいんですが
Konnichiwa, yoyakushitaindesuga
Hi, I would like to make a reservation.
Onamaeo oshiete itadakemasuka
May I have your name?
You: Cotoです
Coto desu
I’m Coto
Staff: Cotoさんですね、かしこまりました。ご予約はいつがよろしいですか。
Cotosandesune, kashikomarimashita. Goyoyakuwa itsuga yoroshiidesuka
Sure Coto san, when would you like to reserve?
You: あしたの午後三時に予約できますか。
Ashitano gogosanjini yoyakudekimasuka
Can I make a reservation for 3 pm tomorrow?
Staff: はい, 大丈夫ですよ。
Hai, daijoubudesuyo
Yes, no problem.
*When the timeslot is occupied and you have to change to another time slot.
Staff: もうしわけありません、あしたの午後三時はもう予約が埋まっています。他の時間でも大丈夫ですか。
Moushiwakearimasen, ashitanogogosanjiwa mouyoyakugaumatteimasu. Hokanojikandemodaijoubudesuka?
Really sorry, the timeslot for 3 pm tomorrow has been booked, would you consider other timeslots?
You: じゃ、あさっての午後二時にしてもいいですか
Ja, asatteno gogonijini shitemoiidesuka
what about 2 pm tomorrow? Is that okay?
Staff: はい、大丈夫です!
Hai, daijoubu desu
Yes, no problem.
Decide what you would like to have done:
Staff: ご希望のサービスはなんでしょうか
gokibouno saabisuwa nandeshouka
What service would you like to have?
You: カットとカラーをお願いします
Kattoto karaao onegaishimasu
I would like to have my hair cut and dyed.
Staff: かしこまりました。ご来店お待ちしております!
Kashikomarimashita. Goraiten omachishite orimasu
Noted. We are looking forward to your visit!
Vocabulary List:
予約(よやく yoyaku) reservation
カット(katto) Haircut
パーマ(paama) Perm
トリートメント(toriitomento) Hair Treatment
シャンプー(shanpuu) shampoo

Getting a Haircut in Tokyo
You must be careful when describing to your hairstylist what type of style you would like.
Our advice is to take a picture along to show your stylist.
Kyouwa donnakamigatani nasaimasuka
What kind of hairstyle would you like to have today?
Customer: こんな感じにしてください
Konnakanjini shitekudasai
Please cut like this.
If you are confident in your Japanese, you can try to ask for more detailed requirements:
Some useful sentence patterns and vocabularies you can use are:
Sentence Patterns:
To cut certain partsof your hair
~を 揃えてください
~osoroete kudasai
please get ~ trimmed
~omousukoshikitte kudasai
Please cut ~ a little bit more.
~omijikaku shite kudasai
please cut short
~onagaku nokoshite kudasai
please keep my ~ long
~okaruku shite kudasai
*please reduce the volume of my ~
~dake kitte kudasai
please cut my ~ only
Hair Styling / Cut – Japanese Vocabulary List
髪型(かみがた kamigata) Hairstyle
髪の毛(かみのけ kaminoke) Hair
長さ(ながさ nagasa) Length
前髪(まえがみ maegami) Bangs
サイド(saido) Side
バック( bakku)Back
トップ(toppu) Top
もみあげ(momiage) Sidebern
襟足(えりあし eriashi) nape of the neck
Dyeing your hair
If you want to dye your hair, the hairstylist will show you samples of different hair colors.
You simply have to choose the color of your choice.
It may sound something like this:
Sentence Patterns:
Donnairo ni somemasuka
What kind of color do you want to dye?
Donnairoga niaimasuka
what kind of color suits me?
Buriichishinaito ikemasenka
Is bleaching needed?
Akaruiiro ga iidesu/ Kuraiiro ga iidesu
A lighter/darker color will be good
Hair Dyeing Japanese Vocabulary list:
カラー (karaa) color
明るい (あかるい akarui) bright
暗い (くらい kurai) dark
黒髪(くろがみ kurogami) Black Hair
茶髪( ちゃぱつ chapatsu) Brown Hair
金髪( きんぱつ kinpatsu) Golden Hair
ブリーチ(buriichi) Bleach
ハイライト (hairaito) Highlight

Getting a Hair Treatment in Tokyo
Japanese hair salons usually offer amazingly effective hair treatments. Here are the vocabularies and sentence patterns you can use when getting a hair treatment.
Sentence patterns:
Donna toriitomentoga osusumedesuka
What kind of hair treatment do you recommend?
konotoriitomentowa watashino kamishitsuni aimasuka
Is this hair treatment good for my hair type?
Hair Treatment Japanese Vocabulary list:
トリートメント (toriitomento) Hair Treatment
髪質 (かみしつ kamishitsu) Hair Type
改善 (かいぜん kaizen) Improve

Getting Your Hair Permed
Sometimes when you want to perm your hair, it is good if you can show your hairstylist an example image. Of course, you can also use these sentence patterns and vocabulary for perming your hair.
Sentence patterns:
Konnakanjino paamao kaketekudasai
Please perm my hair like this
Konopaamawa jikanwa donogurai kakarimasuka
How long will it take to do the perm?
Vocabulary list:
パーマ( paama) Perm
ウェーブ (weebu) Wave
コールドパーマ (koorudopaama) Cold Perm
ホットパーマ (hottopaama) Hot Perm
エアウェーブ (eaweebu) Air Wave
デジタルパーマ (dejitarupaama) Digital Perm
ストレートパーマ (sutoreetopaama) Straitening Treatment
Final Adjustment
After all the steps are done, you will be asked for any changes that you wish to make before being asked to pay
Sentence pattern:
~omouchotto mijikaku/karuku shitekudasai
please cut my ~ shorter /reduce the volume of my ~
You will be usually asked for your preferred payment method. You can also ask the staff whether you can use a certain payment method by yourself.
If you want to pay with your credit card:
Kurejittokaadowa tsukaemasuka
Can I use my credit card to pay?
After making the payment, you can step out of the hair salon with a fresh look! Hope this guide helps you!
English Speaking Hair Salons in Azabu Juban
If you are still not confident enough to visit a Japanese hair salon here are some hair salons where you can communicate in English in Azabu Juban
SHINKA Hair Design Azabu-Juban
One World International Hair Salon
VIP Creative Hair International
About Coto Japanese Club:
Coto Japanese Club in Azabujuban is a Japanese language school which specializes in activity-based Japanese lessons. Flexible Scheduling and combination of outdoor and indoor Japanese lessons have made the school suitable for expat families living in Tokyo.