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FAQ About Novel Coronavirus – Safety Precautions At COTO – updated

Hi Everyone –
At Coto, our student’s well being is our highest priority. Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers in regards to the steps that we are taking to ensure safety at the school – as well as what the status of classes are.
If you have any questions – do not hesitate to contact us at
Q. What is Coto doing in response?
A. As a basic matter of protecting the health of everyone involved, hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed for the use of visitors to the school. Sanitization and ventilation of public areas have been rigorously implemented as well. Both staff and instructors have been properly informed about gargling and hand-washing procedures, and are prohibited from visiting the school if they have a fever.
Q. Will physical classes be running?
A. Yes, the current plan is to continue running physical classes. We will continue to monitor the situation and will inform you if there are any further policy changes.
Q. How many students do you accept in the classroom?
A. The maximum allowed for a class is 8 persons including those who take lessons remotely. We adjust the physical capacity according to the size of a room in order to avoid and limit close physical contact.
Q. Can I take the lessons I am currently taking at the school (or as dispatch lessons) as remote lessons? Can I freely switch to remote lessons according to my schedule?
A. Yes, all lessons can be taken remotely. Please email us if you would like to do so.
If you usually take in-person lessons and would like to switch to remote lessons, please note that there is a possibility we may not be able to meet a request submitted after the deadline. If you need to reschedule on a particular day, please make sure to notify us by 6:00pm on the day prior to your lesson date.
This is to maintain the quality of lessons and ensure a smooth learning experience.
In the past several weeks we have had issues with students not being able to take their lessons on time due to last minute changes with the system.
This also encourages a smoother in-class learning environment, allowing the teacher more preparation time to set up equipment for the remote students.
Q. What tools will be used for the lessons if they are changed from in-person lessons to remote lessons?
A. We usually use zoom so please download the app in advance.
Q. Will the expiration date be extended if we take a break due to coronavirus?
A. The expiration date for each package is already set to allow plenty of time in anticipation of circumstances such as this one. However, if your situation should take longer than two months to settle, we will reconsider your expiration date and inform you in a timely manner.
Q. Will the charge apply for cancellations immediately prior to the start of the course if I have fever and a cough?
A. Please refrain from visiting the school if you have specific symptoms. Your participation will be canceled without being counted. Wherever possible, if you are able to inform us by 6:00 p.m. the previous day, your cooperation would be much appreciated.
Q. If I take lessons remotely, can I continue lessons with the same teacher?
A. Those who take regular lessons at the school are usually taught by the same instructor, but please note that you may be taught by a different instructor due to unforeseeable circumstances (ie. scheduling, etc).
Q. Are there any discounts I change to remote lessons?
A. If you transfer your on-campus private lessons to remote lessons, you will use up one lesson in the same way as a regular private lesson.
Q. If I’m not satisfied with remote lessons, can I get a refund on fees I have paid?
A. We are receiving a lot of positive feedback about our remote lessons even though some of them felt worried at first. Please have a try and let us know in case you feel uncomfortable. We will make an alternative plan for you.
Q. I don’t want remote lessons. Can I continue taking face-to-face lessons?
A. We will keep offering face-to-face lessons while the situation allows. In case we can not continue due to the government or metropolitan policy, we will inform our students of this change as quickly as possible and implement measures to help them continue studying.
Q. I decided to cancel/postpone my visit to Japan. Can I get a refund on fees I have paid?
A. The expiration date starts to be calculated from the date of the first lesson you take, so you can keep your lesson tickets until your next visit to Japan. Please use them during your next visit. If your visit to Japan has not yet been decided and you want to start Japanese lessons, you can change to online lessons.